My very sweet child hanging out while I explore the complexities of the world of Google or some equally important endeavor. |
According to Wikipedia, Tunisia has particularly good relations with France--maybe a Parisian desert oasis theme for my fabulous readers there? This is a picture of an amazingly non-wilty floral piece we did for an outdoor wedding in Greenville, South Carolina in late July (104 degrees). After that success, I say bring on the heat! However, I must admit that I personally did not attend this wedding since I was home in the AC waiting to have a baby, so my staff may have input on the desert heat concept...
And Russia...hmmmm...maybe we could capitalize on the snowy images in my head and make centerpieces out of ice sculptures with candles and sparkle everywhere. This photo of the very gorgeous Mandy and Michael at the Crest Pavilion by Katy Cook shows tons of glamor and sparkle. While it wasn't Siberia, it was below 70 degrees and we totally rocked it.
There are so many wonderful people in this world--I'm glad every time I get to meet one of you. Thanks to all for following this blog. Please take a minute to introduce yourself. Planning events is all about relationships and sharing special moments with other people. Celebrating life's occasions with you is what makes my job one of the best in the world!